Cabin Bed Over Stairs Bulkhead With Loads Of Storage

Cabin Bed Over Stairs Bulkhead With Loads Of Storage

    The aim of this project was to design and build a cabin bed over the stairs bulkhead with loads of storage space. This was a relatively small bedroom with the stairs bulkhead taking up valuable floor space. Without our design and build capability the...

Cabin Bed Over Stairs Bulkhead

Follow Us As We Design & Build A Cabin Bed Over Stairs Bulkhead    This job was a standard design and construction of a cabin bed over stairs bulkhead. This was in a small box-room with an existing stairs bulkhead impacting on the available floor space of...

Building A Wardrobe Over A Stairs Bulkhead

What Is A Stairs Bulkhead? The stairs bulkhead is something we have to deal with on a regular basis and building a wardrobe over a stairs bulkhead is becoming a regular occurrence for us. What is a stairs bulkhead you might be asking? Well it is the part of the stairs...

2 Door Sliding Wardrobe Over The Stairs Bulkhead

This case study demonstrates how were able to fit a 2 door sliding wardrobe over the stairs bulkhead. Our brief was to create a wardrobe and drawers in a bedroom that had the inconvenience of the protruding stairs bulkhead. Mr & Mrs B like a lot of our customers...